IELTS Listening test consists of 4 sections. The general overview of four sections is given below.
- Section 1 – Upto 2 Speakers about Form Completion or Telephone Conversation (Generally)
- Section 2 – (2-3) Speakers
- Section 3 – (2-3) Speakers
- Section 4 – Monologue/Lecture on a particular topic
Knowing the Test Timing Better
IELTS Listening is more about preparation or reading the question before the track start to play. Because this helps the listener to make necessary predictions about the answers.
- A sample answer track is played at the very beginning of the IELTS Test, this time can be used to read the questions of Section 1 properly as this is not that important and also, played twice in the examination.
- There is a short preparation time in between different question types. That means you are given some time to look at the questions before the track is played.
- Section 4 is the only section without gap else, you are provided time to see questions in between the sections.
- At the end of every section, there is 30 seconds time given to check the answers of that section which can be actually used to read the questions of upcoming section. For instance, if you have completed section 1, you will be provided 30 seconds time to check your answers of section 1. This time can be used to read the questions of Section 2 or check the answers of section 1.
I would like to request everyone of you to listen an audio file of IELTS Listening test and make sure you understand the things I explained above.
Here, you can see how the general test goes.
- Gap before the starting of track
- Section 1 Starts
- Time to check answers of Section 1
- Time to read questions of Section 2
- Section 2 starts
- Time to Check answers of Section 2
- Time to read questions of Section 3
- Section 3 starts
- Time to Check answers of Section 3
- Time to read questions of Section 4
- Section 4 starts
- Time to Check answers of Section 4
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