Tips for IELTS listening test


Most important things to remember for best results in IELTS Listening test.

1. Practice

Practice as many sample or model sets as possible because it helps you to have a better understanding of the types of questions. Moreover, you will get familiar with the exam pattern. Moreover, you have to make yourself feel at exam during the practice too, to make the best out of it.

2. Listen for plural and singular

Generally, people get confused in some questions about the singular and plural form of the word. For instance, whether room or rooms.

3. Utilize your time

In general, the listening test consists of breaks that are allowed to help the students to read the upcoming questions. In my point of view, we need to use this time gap to predict the kind of answer (adjective, noun, verb etc.).

4. Improve your listening

Some people have real difficulty in understanding the English conversations. In that particular case, listening English songs to predict the lyrics and watching the English movies can improve the listening ability of the candidate.

5. Numbers

IELTS listening test has one particular question in which a number is involved like telephone numbers, account number, address etc. In this type of question, the conversations need to be listened closely because there are chances of correction. For instance, first of all, a number is said to be 9804000003 which may be corrected to 9804000004. In addition, the confusion between 16 and 60 or 19 and 90 has to be taken care of.

6. Transfer your answer carefully

Talking about IELTS listening test, we are given 40 questions with 4 different sections in ascending order of difficulty. In this test, the tape will be played for 60 minutes and the answers found should be written on the question paper. Finally, those answers on the question paper shall be transferred to our answer sheet numbered from 1 to 40 within 10 minutes. In my point of view, we need to be careful while transferring the answers into the real answer sheet.

7. Keep up the confidence

Finally, I would like to say that if you are not able to answer the questions in the beginning, you have to keep calm and listen to the tape. To be more precise, being nervous is going to make the situation more worse.
