Slope failure
The failure of an earth slope occurs when a large mass of soil slides along a linear or curved surface downward or outward. The slope failure can be classified as the following types.
1. Rotational failure
The sliding or slipping down of the mass of land due to the rotation along a slip surface downward or outward is called rotational failure of slope. It has been further classified as the followings.
a. Toe failure
The slope fails along the surface that passes through the toe of the slope.
b. Slope failure
The slope fails along a surface that intersects the slope above the toe.
c. Base failure
The failure passes below the toe of the slope.
2. Translational failure
The failure in which the mass of soil slides along a plane which is nearly parallel to the slope is called translational failure.
3. Compound failure
The failure which consists of both rotational and translational failure is known as compound failure.
4. Wedge failure
In this type of failure, the soil mass (wedge shaped) slides along an inclined plane. It is also called plane failure or block failure.
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