Reserve and it's estimation


From civil engineering point of view, it is a deposit of construction material. 

Reserve is the identified economic resources of the total identified resource available. 

Topography can aid in the achievement of required construction material. For instance, sand and gravel in plain area river, rocks in the steep area and so on. Also, the satellite image can be handy to find the reserve location.

Reserve can be classified into the followings:

a. Proved or measured reserve

The reserve from which the resources are obtained as was estimated is called proved or measured reserve.

b. Probable or indicated reserve

The reserve for insufficient data is collected or is based on limited data is known as probable reserve.

c. Possible or inferred reserve

The reserve which is just assumed to exist but may not even exist is known as possible reserve.

Estimation of Reserve

There are different ways to estimate the reserve. The ways to estimate the reserve are mentioned below.

a. Cross - section method

This method to find the reserve is conducted with the help of geological map. In this method, area, thickness, volume, density etc. of the reserve is determined to find the amount of reserve.

b. Isopach method

In this method, the area of reserve is contoured with the block of reserve in different maps like in cross – section method to find the amount of reserve.

c. Extended area method

In this method, the reserve is estimated by the determination of area only.

d. Block method

This particular method is based on the idea of division of the probable area of reserve. Here, the reserve area is divided into many blocks and studied individually.
