Direction cosines of a line

Direction cosines of a line

Let us consider a line OP of length 'r' and the coordinates of P be (x,y,z). If, the line OP makes an angle of α, β and γ with the positive x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively as shown in figure. Then, the direction cosine or simple cosine of angle of that line is given by cosα, cos β and cos γ.

Cos α is generally denoted by l.

Cos β is denoted by m.

Cos γ is denoted by n. 

Then, we know that, P(x,y,z) means to reach the point P, we need to go 'x' along x-axis, 'y' along y-axis and 'z' along z-axis.
Hence, we can say that,

Cos α = x/r [As shown in figure]
l = x/r
x = lr

Cos β = y/r
m = y/r
y = mr

Cos γ = z/r
n = z/r
z = nr
Then, we know by the distance formula,
OP2 = x2 + y2 + z2
r2 = (lr)2 + (mr)2 + (nr)2

1= l2 + m2 + n2
