Organic Chemistry Interconversion Tricks

 Points to remember for Organic Conversion

1. Alkylhalide is the basic organic compound from which most of the organic compounds can be prepared.

2. To increase the carbon chain

a. Wurtz reaction (From Haloalkane)
b. Cyanide formation (From haloalkane)
c. Oxoprocess (From alkene)
d. Reacting with grignard's reagent
e. Alkylation or acylation

3. To decrease the carbon chain

a. Decarboxylation of carboxylic acids
b. Hoffmann's bromamide reaction
c. Ozonolysis

4. To create double bond

a. Dehydrohalogenation with alc. KOH (from haloalkane)
b. By heating ethanol with Conc. H2SO4 at 170 degree.
c. By heating ethanol with Al2O3 at 360 degree.

5. To create triple bond

a. From chloroform and silver.
b. First create double bond followed by halogenation then treating with alc. KOH.
c. Reaction of geminal followed by dehydrohalogenation.

6. To saturate the unsaturate compound or remove double and triple bonds

a. Catalytic hydrogenation (Ni/H2) [Sabetier's and Senderence reaction]

7. For isomerization or change in the position of functional groups

a. Markonikov's rule and Antimarkonikov's rule
